I care

I became a therapist because I saw how much it helped my own family when my parents went to therapy.  I grew up in the UK at a time when mental illness was hugely stigmatized.  My Mum struggled with depression and for years she kept it hidden and suffered and that meant me and my brother suffered too.  It was a sad childhood. 

But things really shifted when my Mum started to see a therapist.  She was able to talk to her therapist and see how she could make changes to her situation or to the way she thought about an issue.  She learned tools for coping with her emotional experiences.  She learned to speak more clearly about what was bothering her.  Because of the transformation she experienced I chose this path for myself as my career. I got to see first hand just what a difference therapy could make, not only in my Mum’s life, but in the lives of the rest of the family.

Having had these experiences in childhood I have had my own issues to work on in therapy and I know that helps me understand and empathize with my clients.  I get how hard this journey can be, how painful it is at times, and how rewarding and freeing it is to face yourself in this way. To be able to understand yourself and make choices for yourself that lead to better outcomes, to become the parent your kids need you to be, to change things for the next generation.

It is my joy and privilege to work with individuals to unpack childhood issues, couples to improve communication, and women who are experiencing abuse from an intimate partner to find support, healing and hope for the future.

Book a free video call to meet me, discuss your situation and start to feel more peace and control in your life.

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